Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Something deserving a side-eye

Dear President Obama,

It has come to my attention through various new outlets-of which surely you have access to-that a certain law has been ratified in Afghanistan by our ally President Karzai, who appears to be on his way to an election victory this month. The law in question, the Shiite Personal Status Law, is a very interesting piece of legislation. Surprisingly, in an American-backed democratic model for the region, a democratically elected (???) body has been able to actually put forward a bill that allows men to rape their wives and keep then confined to their homes. Even more surprising, a man of which our government seems to hold in such high esteem and favour has ratified it. One might ask, how could such a thing possibly happen?

The answer is simple: as long as the news reels look nice, both us and the Afghan government look nice.

Mr. Obama....Did you try telling Mr. Karzai that ratifing such a bill would not only be, well, a terrible thing to do, but that it would tarnish what little regard people have for his regime? You must've been busy writing another memoir, because the legislation managed to come into effect.

It's strange that you wouldn't have bothered so much. I mean, women's right aside, it's a very sectarian piece of work. It's a law passed on a national level that allows men of the Shiite branch of Islam to rape their wives. Certainly, I hope, you think that the well being of a Shiite woman is just as important as that of a Sunni. Also, any man could just go around raping a woman and claiming to be a Shiite. What would happen then? You would have a multitude of rape cases being removed from the statistics!....

Which I guess makes sense. I mean, if rapes are down, Afghanistan looks like a much happier place! A happier place looks nice on t.v., and America loves being happy! What have I been rambling about? Damn, Mr. Obama! You do know what you're doing!


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